Galerie d’Aquarelles

dimanche 6 juillet 2008

Sketch 55

Fournitures: Carton: Staples 110 lbs,
Étampes : Stampcraft, Encres: SU
(Belle Banane, Doux Ciel, Sauge Subtile,
Bleu Caraïbe, Goyave Parfaite et
Tellement Safran), Autres: Ruban,
UTEE, Punch EK Success, Marqueur SU,
Technique: Waterspray.

Supplies: Cardstock: Staples 110 lbs,
Stamps: Stampcraft, Inks: SU
(Barely Banana, Soft Sky, Sage Shadow,
Cool Caribbean, Groovy Guava and
So Saffron), Others: Ribbon,
UTEE, Punch EK Success, Marker SU,
Technique: Waterspray.

Sketch Carte 55

1 commentaire:

  1. OMGosh this is ADORABLE. Those teeny stamped feet are precious.

    I love the english commentary you have started. I hope it's not too much work and it sure is appreciated!!
